Technical & Bug Support
Performance below your expectations? Encountered an in-game bug? Click here!
- "A Scenic View" postcard missing
- Black screen after first The Maw encounter
- Funeral Home cutscene game crash
- HDR Brightness Issues
- Invisible wall after climbing the ledge near the broken bridge
- Issues with patch 1.1 on Steam
- Loading Screen Crashes
- Mirror interaction in the Red House
- No sound after updating Game Ready Drivers
- Unable to progress past the conference room
- Unable to switch from 4k resolutions on Windows 10
- Flashing coloured light spots appear in the Real World
- Followed the Trail achievement not unlocking
- Game Crash - Epic Games Store
- Game Crash - GoG Galaxy
- Game Crash - Steam
- How to update your graphics drivers
- Items duplicating in the inventory
- Low Performance (PC)
- Marianne out of sync after splitting
- Technical - How To Generate DxDiag
- Technical - How To Lower Display Settings
- UE4 crash when entering Niwa's 2nd floor